Saturday, January 19, 2013

Don't Be a Drag, Just be a Queen!

I have seen the fiercest women in the world. The ones who are loud and proud. Who have the utmost confidence. Who can dance around in six-inch heels and never fall. Whose main goal in life is to bring a smile to the faces of others. Who technically aren’t even women. They are artists, performers, and inspirers. They are strong and they never take shit from anyone. They are drag queens.
You might ask how exactly a drag queen can inspire a straight girl. But I believe that a drag queen is the kind of woman I aspire to be. No, I don’t desire to wear tall wigs, sparkly clothing and layers of dramatic makeup (though it is fun to dress up occasionally). I want to have the confidence and charisma drag queens posses. Yes, they are men in dresses and other tight clothing, but they are much more than that. They struggle on a daily basis with having to constantly explain to ignorant people their lifestyle. There have been horror stories of these men being mistreated because they do drag. And yet they continue to push through because they are doing what they love and they feel is right for them.
So even though I am just your typical fruit-fly  (A woman who mostly hangs out with gay men) I have always felt like gay men were the only people I have ever truly fit in with. They are kind, open-minded, and always expressive and I always feel welcomed when I am in their presence. 

Since I attend drag shows almost every Thursday night, I have many stories to tell and experiences to share. Hope you enjoy!


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